How to Unsubscribe RBT Easily
A morning when I woke up, I check SMS on my mobile phone. There is already an annoying SMS at early of this day. The SMS regarding the provision of free RBT. Actually it’s OK, but I was afraid to be a problem later.
Experience of My Mobile Phone Battery Endurance
I have been a loyal Nokia user. Since the first has HP in the year 1999 I have been using Nokia. But because of some purpose, I add my HP collection with some brands. Including Motorola and ZTE. With HP ZTE, I was a little surpise with battery endurance. Post Views: 46
Pengalaman Masa Aktif Baterai HP Saya
Selama ini saya pengguna Nokia yang fanatik. Sejak pertama memiliki HP di tahun 1999 saya sudah memakai Nokia. Tapi karena adanya beberapa keperluan, saya menambah koleksi HP saya dengan beberapa merk. Diantaranya Motorola dan ZTE. Dengan HP ZTE, saya agak surpise dengan daya tahan baterainya. Post Views: 258