Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 27 Jan 2010: Successful Earning Money From Online Writing
Some people say the writing was easy. Is it really that easy? Writing is always tricky. In addition to need motivation, need a few things. Everything will be discussed at the Doctor IT. Post Views: 45
Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 18 Jan 2010: Browsing Aman Dan Benar
Pastilah kita menyukai browsing. Yakni kegiatan berselanjar menjelajah website seantaro dunia maya. Memang internet berkembang pesat sejak adanya web. Lalu apa tip browsing yang aman dan benar? Post Views: 36
Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 04 Jan 2010: Alternatif Website Social Media
Actually before the Facebook frenzy, there are some social networking portals that exist. Even exist before Facebook, and more popular. So what’s the website, refer it ‘Doctor IT’ later! Post Views: 133
Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 11 Jan 2010: Website Media Sosial Alternatif
Sebenarnya sebelum Facebook heboh, sudah ada beberapa portal jejaring sosial yang eksis. Bahkan sebelumnya mereka lebih eksis dan lebih tenar. Lalu apa saja website itu, simak saja ‘Doctor IT’ nanti! Post Views: 35
Pujian untuk Doctor IT
Kata pengirim message ini, acaranya sangat berkualitas. “Bagus Pak,” katanya. Bahkan lebih bagus dibanding dengan acara serupa di radio lainnya. “Bahasannya lebih mendalam dan berguna bagi pendengar.” Post Views: 25
Praise for show ‘Doctor IT’
Sender of this message says, the show is very good quality. “Good sir,” he said. Even better than with similar show in other radio. He said, “Discussion more depth and useful for listeners.” Post Views: 17
Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 04 Jan 2010: Berkaca Dari Kasus Luna Maya dan Prita Mulyasari
Kasus Prita bisa saja terjadi pada setiap orang. Karena perlindungan konsumen di sini masih belum kuat. Lalu apa yang dilakukan kalau kita dirugikan? Mengeluh di internet? Simak ulasannya di PAS FM. Post Views: 1,064
Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 04 Jan 2010: Reflecting From Case Luna Maya and Prita Mulyasari
Prita case could happen to anyone. Because consumer protection here is not strong. So what to do if we suffer? Complaining on the internet? Check out his review on PAS FM. Post Views: 1,193