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Make Our Prayer To Be Granted

gk pengemis mengemisEvery man have pray. Sometimes granted immediately, sometimes delays, even do not come true. When prayers were answered, maybe not because it is our God hears us. But because our servants!

By: Mochamad Yusuf

Two brothers climb mountain. When they reached the top, very thick fog descended. They were scattered and lost. Fortunately thereĀ“s handy talkies to help them communicate, though can not be used up to the village, their base camp.

So no more getting lost, they stop. They do not know what to do. But they believe only pray it can be done. They agree on every prayer will say in front of handy talkies. So they know what’s prayers are being said another. Also know who the real prayer is granted.

Finally young brother prayed that the mist disappeared. The old brother was silent, inaudible prayer. Suddenly lost in the fog his brother.

Then young brother pray again that there is food. Once again, old brother said nothing, never heard his prayer. Then in place of young brother, seen a lot of fruit trees are delicious. He picked fruit and eaten with relish.

Now young brother pray that rescued soon, and once again old brother did not pray. Silent. And suddenly there was a group of people who the SAR seek them. The young brother was given a blanket and carry down.

When going down, suddenly a voice in the head of young brother. “Why do not you say that you are climbing with your old brother? And why do not want to say your brother also had stuck fog conditions and lost?”

“No. He can prayed himself. During this I am who pray. And my prayers that granted,” replied. “Wrong,” said voice, “Her prayer only one. And its prayers always granted.” “What’s that?” asked the young brother curious. Voice replied, “Her prayer merely requested that your prayer always answered.”

A friend of mine has unique habit. Every going to work, he’ll give donative on donative beggar ahead a mosque. Requestor charity sitting carrying empty carton instant noodle. Beside there glass box containing money.

Every through there, he will reduce velocity car. Then opened window and proffered hand containing banknotes. Then he puts into empty cardboard that offer him. He doing like this routinely.

I wonder asked him why he is doing. Especially he actually not need to mosque. Because indeed place worship not mosque. He says donative it helped his prayer granted. Wow! And possible he also charity at place I not know.

Every man must pray. Sometimes granted immediately, sometimes delayed even may not granted. When the prayer came true, maybe not because it is our God hears us. But there is another prayer that makes our prayer heard by God.

These people could have your Office Boy. Or Cleaning Service, security guards, drivers or people who ‘look’ in your eyes. They may not pray much. But if they pray, may their prayers so that we, the manager, always had good luck. So the companies that followed always forward.

Now try we see the people around us. Try to pay attention to them. Who cares we please. Please our grieving. The difficulty we made it easy. Because who knows, they can help our prayers were answered. [TSA, 22/2/2010 at dawn]

*Mochamad Yusuf is an online analyst, public speaker, radio host, lecturer and IT practitioner at SAM Design, Actively writing and his books have been published, “99 Jurus Sukses Mengembangkan Bisnis Lewat Internet”. You can follow his activities on his website, or in his Facebook.

6 Comments - Leave a Comment
  • Mochamad Yusuf -

    Betul. Masalahnya kenapa kita tak tulus dan tak yakin? Waktu mengikuti sebuah seminar, presenternya tanya, “Apakah kita percaya pada Tuhan bisa membantu kita?” Semuanya menjawab ya.

    Tapi ketika ditanya, kalau kita minta Ferrari apakah itu akan diberikan? Semua diam. Ragu, apakah minta semahal itu bisa terkabul…

    Lalu dia cerita latar belakang hidupnya, yang ternyata spt meminta Ferrari.

  • lisa -

    Mungkin kita tidak sungguh-sungguh berdoa ( baca : kadang tidak yakin doa kita akan dikabulkan ), sedangkan orang lain dengan niat yang tulus yakin Tuhan akan membalas amal baik kita. Akhirnya doa terkabul lebih cepat.

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