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5 Cheap Branded Mobile Phones With Built-in Antenna Radio

gk-nokia-5030-2One feature mobile phone that almost replaces product that same function is radio. Unfortunately most have plugged the headset as an antenna. Below 5 cheap mobile phone that has built-in antenna radio that I recommend!

By: Mochamad Yusuf*

At sometime you may be having an event like this. You can’t do anything, but could not anything. You have to wait. What should you do is to keep busy. This event often happens when waiting at the doctor’s room, bank or airport.

You could to read or invite chat with friends next door. But of course sometimes you do not bring books or reading material. Even you are not interested to read. To talk to friends who have known one is not an easy thing. There is reluctance or even fear of talking to them.

The easiest solution, you take the mobile phone and enjoy a favorite song chant. But unfortunately not all mobile phone’s have this feature. If there is no affordable price. If affordable, the sound quality is not good.

Another problem is the limited memory, so you get bored with that song-that’s all. Or want to not listen to the song, for example a talk show or interview. For this, the solution is HP that has a radio feature.

Unfortunately most mobile phone that has a radio feature, the headset must be plugged first. The headset is used as an antenna. Without the headset, the radio can not be enjoyed. And we do not always carry the headset. Mobile phone solution is radio without a headset!

So the solution is mobile phone that has a radio feature without having to plug a headset. Mobile phone has an internal antenna. So we just turn on and then immediately enjoy it.

Not much mobile phone like this. But do not worry, I already find it for you. Even with famous brands such as Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson. And all you can get no more than 500 thousand rupiah.

Have been dying to know? Just monitor these 5 branded mobile phone with an internal radio antenna:

1. Nokia 5030 XpressRadio.
Its name was smelling the radio. So already designed to be a real radio by Nokia. Turn on the radio, you can enjoy a variety of favorite stations.
Additional facilities: a flashlight.
Price: approximately 375,000.

2. LG GB110
This mobile phone doesn’t have only radio entertainment feature, but also mp3 player and camera. Remarkably also been equipped with an external memory slot. So you have a chance to add more collection of songs.
Additional Features: mp3 player, vga camera.
Price: approximately 425,000.

3. LG GB106
It is apparently cheaper version of the LG GB110 above. Therefore you can find additional features like LG GB110 has, so just only has radio feature. Therefore you can get a cheaper price 100,000 than LG GB110.
Additional Features: -.
Price: approximately 325,000.

4. Samsung E2120
It was just the sound of its ads, “complete mobile phone, with affordable price”. Because in addition to radio, there are also cameras and mp3 player. Prices are also affordable.
Additional Features: mp3 player, vga camera.
Price: about 500,000.

5. Sony Ericsson R300
Maybe code R for the radio. Therefore HP is designed to listen to the radio without a headset. Fun camera and mp3 player feature also available.
Additional Features: mp3 player, vga camera.
Price: approximately 450,000. [TSA, 28/3/2010 at midnight]

*Mochamad Yusuf is an online analyst, public speaker, radio host, lecturer and IT practitioner at SAM Design. Actively writing and his books have been published, “99 Jurus Sukses Mengembangkan Bisnis Lewat Internet”. You can follow his activities on his website, or in his Facebook.

3 Comments - Leave a Comment
  • luxury tent -

    i am not sure i think it is pretty pathetic myself i guess u shouldn’t really use them while your driving but if your in the passenger seat or on the bus or in the back of a car i don’t see the problem why we should not be aloud to use them.

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