55 Ways How to Express Love (4-End)
Though already married, not taboo that each other states love. Also not unlawful for a long-married ones. Said love to each other, affection still felt even though had not been going out date again.
55 Cara Nyatakan Cinta (4-Tamat)

Meski sudah menikah, tak berarti tabu saling menyatakan cinta. Juga tak haram bagi yang sudah lama menikah sekalipun. Saling menyatakan cinta, kemesraan masih terasa meski sudah lama tak pacaran lagi.
55 Ways How to Express Love (3)
Many ways to express love with your couple. No need many words that sometimes seem trite. But by doing these tips, you can plainly stated, ‘I really, really love you’.
55 Cara Nyatakan Cinta (3)

Banyak cara menyatakan cinta pada pasangan anda. Tak perlu banyak kata yang kadang terasa gombal. Tapi dengan melakukan tips-tips ini, anda bisa menyatakan dengan gamblang, ‘I really-really love you’.
55 Ways How to Express Love (2)
Valentine’s Day is coming. For those who are paired, this time must be busy preparing the welcome ceremony. Who have not been to, there’s still time to find the him/her. Express your love! Hehehe.
55 Cara Nyatakan Cinta (2)

Hari Valentine di depan mata. Bagi yang sudah berpasangan, saat ini pasti sibuk mempersiapkan acara menyambutnya. Sedang bagi yang belum, masih ada waktu mencari si dia. Nyatakan cinta anda! Hehehe.
55 Ways How to Express Love (1)
Valentine’s Day is coming. For those who are paired, this time must be busy preparing the welcome ceremony. Who have not been to, there’s still time to find the him/her. Express your love! Hehehe.
55 Cara Nyatakan Cinta (1)

Hari Valentine di depan mata. Bagi yang sudah berpasangan, saat ini pasti sibuk mempersiapkan acara menyambutnya. Sedang bagi yang belum, masih ada waktu mencari si dia. Nyatakan cinta anda! Hehehe.