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Doctor IT PAS FM SBY – 17 Feb 2010: Optimizing Blog For Maximum Results

gk-logopassby-100Nowadays has a blog is a common thing. The next question, what to do after this? Having a blog is one thing, take care of its is another thing. This is not easily and not be underestimated.

By: Mochamad Yusuf*

After creating a blog, what to do next? Was just exist and interesting? Ideally, the blog is popular and has high traffic. Unfortunately many blogs that are made in vain.

Now have a website or personal blog is common. Everyone competed to create the new world without limits. Starting from district staff, the mayor until the minister. Even the children and teenagers have been many.

The next question is what to do next after having a blog? Was just up there alone? Or you will continue to manage and use the blog as a means of socializing, express opinions, share experiences and tips to live? Or even seek additional money from it (the exact dollars).

What good is a good blog is already indexed search engines if untreated? So how do I manage and maintain blogs that should be? Why blogging activities that can be initially exciting boring? Lots of problems in the dynamics of this blogging.

So what should be done to manage the blog? What are the difficulties that may be encountered in caring for blogs? How to tips and tricks for blogs we always have high traffic and up to date? And how to enhance your appearance, enhance, create and researching different content? Everything will be discussed in the PAS FM radio this Wednesday afternoon, February 17, 2010 at 16:00 pm in the Doctor IT.

Be There! Be Success!

Doctor IT is a regular program of radio PAS FM Surabaya 104.3 FM every Wednesday at 16:00 to 17:00 pm. A show that discussed the problems of everyday IT. Peeled lightly with various tips and case studies. Also be interactive. The program hosted by Mochamad Yusuf, online analyst SAM Design and guided by Roy Kumara. You can monitor it online at:

*Mochamad Yusuf is a online analyst, public speaker, radio host, lecturer and IT practitioner at SAM Design, Actively writing and his books have been published, “99 Jurus Sukses Mengembangkan Bisnis Lewat Internet”. You can follow his activities on his personal website,, or in his profile Facebook,

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